I remember the first time I truly heard someone talk about work-life balance in depth. It was 2010, and I was living in the US when remote work was still uncommon. A friend working at one of the big tech giants shared how her company genuinely supported that balance. She told me how she could work remotely—even from another city while visiting her boyfriend—without missing a beat in her personal life. It was a game-changer to hear firsthand how a major company could prioritize and encourage personal fulfillment. That conversation really opened my eyes to what was possible.
Back then, I was working for an insurance and financial company, and it didn’t take long for it to start fostering the concept of work-life balance as well. But, even though I started to see the importance of it, I didn’t fully grasp its impact until years later, when I returned to Argentina. That's when I encountered something unique and my (ongoing) journey of embracing flexibility and autonomy began.
In 2017, I moved back to Argentina feeling that the flexibility I had started to see abroad was not that common here, which would make finding a similar balance a challenge. This became even more personal as I was navigating life as a single mom to a 3-year-old. With my daughter’s father living in the US, I had to balance work and motherhood mostly on my own. My parents helped a lot at first, but when they both fell ill, that support faded, leaving me to manage everything alone.
In that context, I began my job search, knowing what I was looking for—I wanted to be part of a company that valued my international experience, cultural adaptability, and ability to work autonomously. I wanted to be recognized by my skills and background, but I also needed to be supported through my adventure as a mom, almost in equal measure. That’s when I found Avature.
I became an Avaturian in 2018 as part of the Technical Support team in Buenos Aires. My leader was amazing, and within just a few months, I learned so much from my team. Soon after, I was able to transition to night shifts, working from home. This change allowed me to fulfill my professional responsibilities while being fully present for my daughter during the day. With the hybrid work-model introduced around 2020, Avature adapted to my schedule even further, ensuring I had flexibility to take care of her when she needed me the most.
In 2022, I shared with my Technical Support leader my desire to explore a new role and keep growing within a new team, and both him and Talent Management supported me all the way in making that transition. Now, after more than two years with the Account Management team, I can say I’ve continued to maintain the same balance I had in Tech Support. My commitment also remains strong—to stay on top of my work while enjoying the flexibility that makes such a difference in my life.
Fast forward to 2025 and I see that, all this time, my daughter has been growing up watching me work from home, sometimes even participating in small ways, like waiting for the end-of-year gift box to arrive or getting a glimpse into my daily tasks. Now that she’s in fifth grade, I’m incredibly proud to say that I have never missed a school event and have always been there when she’s been sick or needed a doctor’s visit—all thanks to Avature’s commitment to work-life balance. So is the case that she has even developed a special bond with the company, and it’s clear she understands how much it has shaped our lives. You might be wondering, “How do you know she realizes that?”. Well, let me wrap up this story with a fun anecdote as I tell you how.
One day, while she was home sick and I was in a meeting, I saw she started drawing. When she was over and showed me her masterpiece, I was amazed: she had included the Avature logo in her drawing. But what made it even more special was the twist she added—she had slightly changed the color of the logo. I couldn’t help but smile, thinking she could be a future designer for any enhancements to our logo! For me, this little moment was a beautiful reminder of how children see the world with fresh eyes and how much they appreciate the flexibility that allows us to be there for them every step of the way.