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( Last update: 15-04-2024 )

This website’s editor is Avature (“we” or “us”). The website uses cookies and/or similar technologies (hereinafter referred to, collectively, as “cookies”) that store and retrieve information when you browse. In general, these technologies may serve a variety of purposes, such as, for example, recognizing you as a user, obtaining information about your browsing habits, or personalizing the way in which content is displayed.

What are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is sent to your web browser and stored in the memory of your device when you visit a website. Cookies are necessary to facilitate navigation and also useful because they enable, among others, the collection of user data and analysis of how the website is being used by visitors, to optimize and create the best possible experience.

Sometimes the use of cookies entails the processing of personal data. Please see our Candidate Privacy Policy if you want to obtain more information about how we process such personal data and how to exercise your data protection rights.

What type of cookies are there?

This section provides an overview of the types of cookies that can be used in an online environment.

Depending on the owner of the cookie, they can be classified as:

  • First-party cookies: Cookies sent to a user’s computer from a device or domain managed by the editor themselves and from which the service requested by users is provided.
  • Third-party Cookies: Cookies sent to a user’s computer from a device or domain not managed by the editor, but by another entity that processes any data obtained through cookies.

Depending on the purpose of the cookie, they can be classified as:

  • Essential Cookies: Cookies that enable a user to browse a website, platform or application, and use the different options or services available on these, such as controlling traffic, identifying data or the session, accessing sections or content with restricted access, remembering the elements that make up an order, carrying out the purchase process for an order, using security elements during navigation, storing content for the dissemination of videos or sound, or sharing content through social networks.
  • Functional cookies: Cookies that allow remembering information, so that users may access the service under certain conditions that distinguish their experience from that of other users, such as the language, the number of search results to be displayed, the aspect or contents of the service depending on the browser though which or the region from which it is accessed, etc.
  • Analytics cookies: Cookies that allow us to perform follow-up and analyses of user behavior at the websites to which such cookies are linked (i.e. to measure activity and statistically analyze the use of any website, application or platform). These cookies are typically used to quantify the number of visitors, understand sections visited on the website and how they interact with them.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: Cookies that allow managing, in the most efficient way, the advertising spots that, if applicable, the publisher has included in a website. In particular, these cookies store information on the behavior of users, obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on it. It is also possible that when you visit a website or open an email or message where an ad or promotion is published, a cookie is installed in the user's browser in order to subsequently display advertising related to searches performed and manage the ads in relation to their number of views, the location in which they appear, the times at which they are displayed, etc.

Depending on the expiration time of the cookie:

  • Session cookies: Cookies designed to collect and store data while users access a website. They are regularly used to store information that is only relevant during the provision of the service requested by the user in a single situation (for example, a list of products purchased) and disappear once the session is closed; and
  • Persistent cookies: Cookies on which data stay stored and may be accessed and processed for a period of time defined by the entity responsible for the cookie, and that can range from a few minutes to several years.

What specific cookies does our website use and for what purposes?

Essential Cookies
Cookie Description Domain Expiration

Session cookie ScustomPortal-EN ScustomPortal-ES

Used to keep users logged in through private portal areas. First-party Cookie Until you close your browser

Language cookie portalLanguage-49

Used to store current language selected by user in the portal. First-party Cookie Until you close your browser

Token field for CSRF Token Field

Used for CSRF protection (only for logged users). First-party Cookie Do not expire

User Cookie Consent userCookieConsent-EN userCookieConsent-ES

Used to store the cookie types allowed/declined by the users in portals with the cookie management feature enabled, so they don't have to renew their consent on every page view/visit. First-party Cookie 180 days
Functional Cookies
Cookie Description Domain Expiration

Used to implement or transfer content through Dropbox. For more information on Dropbox Cookies, please read here.

Third Party Cookie (Dropbox) 35 days

Used to determine the preferred language and country setting of the visitor. This allows the website to show content most relevant to that region and language. For more information on Dropbox Cookies, please read here.

Third Party Cookie (Dropbox) Until you close your browser

Used to implement or transfer content through Dropbox. For more information on Dropbox Cookies, please read here.

Third Party Cookie (Dropbox) 35 days

Used to implement or transfer content through Dropbox. For more information on Dropbox Cookies, please read here.

Third Party Cookie (Dropbox) 35 days

Used to store data on which websites the user has visited. For more information on Dropbox Cookies, please read here.

Third Party Cookie (Dropbox) 35 days

Used to determine the preferred language and country setting of the visitor. This allows the website to show content most relevant to that region and language. For more information on Dropbox Cookies, please read here.

Third Party Cookie (Dropbox) 35 days

Used to remember a user's language setting to ensure displays in the language selected by the user in their settings. For more information on LinkedIn Cookies, please read here.

Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) session

Used to facilitate data center selection. For more information on LinkedIn Cookies, please read here.

Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 24 hours

Used for remembering that a logged-in user is verified by two factor authentication. For more information on LinkedIn Cookies, please read here.

Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 1 year

Used for Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection. For more information on LinkedIn Cookies, please read here.

Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) Session

Browser Identifier cookie to uniquely identify devices accessing LinkedIn to detect abuse on the platform. For more information on LinkedIn Cookies, please read here.

Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 1 years
dfpfpt Unique user identifier to prevent abuse in payment workflows for LinkedIn Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 11 months
li_at Used to authenticate Members and API clients Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 1 year
li_g_recent_logout Used to support Google Auto-Login on guest pages for users who have enabled this feature Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 1 hour
li_theme Remembers a user's display preference/theme setting Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 6 months
li_theme_set Remembers which users have updated their display / theme preferences Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 6 months
liap Used by to denote the logged in status of a member Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 1 year
timezone Used to determine user's timezone Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 14 days
UserMatchHistory Used for id sync process. It stores the last sync time to avoid repeating the syncing process in a frequent manner Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 30 days
visit To determine whether to take a non-authenticated user to the registration page or the login page Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) 1 year
PLAY_SESSION Used by some LinkedIn services to store session information Third Party Cookie (LinkedIn) session
Performance Cookies
Cookie Description Domain Expiration
_pk_ses.4.6884 short lived cookies used to emporarily store data for the visit First-party Cookie 30 min
_pk_id.4.6884 used to store a few details about the user such as the unique visitor ID First-party Cookie 393 days or 13 months (from 2024-03-05 to 2025-04-02)

Our website also uses certain features that allow the sharing of information through third party social networking sites, such as the Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn share button or other similar widgets ("Social Networking Features"). Such Social Networking Features may collect information such as your IP address and the web pages you browse, as well as place a cookie on your device in order for such widgets to function properly. Any information you provide through such social networking applications may be collected and used by the relevant social networks and such interactions are governed by the privacy policies of the companies providing the application. We have no control over or responsibility for the privacy practices of such social networking sites, so we encourage you to review their privacy policies before using such services.

Who uses the information stored in cookies?

The information stored in the cookies on our website is used exclusively by us, with the exception of those identified above as “third party cookies,” which are used and managed by external entities to provide us with services requested by us that require the use of cookies. Please refer to the details provided in the tables above concerning the specific third party cookies we use and more information regarding the processing of your data that such third parties carry out.

Are there any international data transfers?

Information related to Avature’s first party cookies will be stored in the United States of America. Please refer to the section “Our worldwide practices and international transfers of data” in Avature’s privacy policy regarding the adequacy mechanisms for transfers of personal data. You can be informed of the transfers to third countries that, as the case may be, are carried out by the third parties identified in this Cookie Notice, in their corresponding policies (please see the relevant links in the tables above).

How do I disable cookies?

You may, at any time, revoke the consent granted for the use of cookies or, where appropriate, allow, block and delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of your own web browser installed on your computer or device (smartphone or tablet). You can also carry out these activities through the settings panel.

In addition, the following links describe how to configure the main browsers to disable cookies. Please note that these are third party links that we have not edited and cannot modify, and therefore we are not responsible for the content of these sites:

Please note that your option to reject cookies is specific to each browser you are using. Therefore, if you choose to exclude cookies on a device and want your choice to be applied in a similar way to another device, you will need to enable the same choice for that other device.

With respect to third-party cookies for the purpose of providing interest-based advertising, please note that certain third parties may be members of one of the following self-regulatory online behavioral advertising programs, with the following opt-out options:

Finally, please be advised that most mobile devices allow you to exercise control over tracking for advertising purposes through the “Limit Ad Tracking” option (on iOS devices) or the “Disable Interest-Based Ads” option (on Android).