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How To Nail Your Next Job Interview

Job interviews are crucial steps in the hiring process and the perfect opportunity to showcase your skills, experiences, motivations, and personality. Whether you're a senior professional or a fresh graduate, preparation is key to making a lasting impression.

Here you’ll find a few handy tips to help you navigate through the different stages of a job interview like a real champ — both before and during the conversations with recruiters and potential future colleagues.


Preparation is key

Company Research:

  • Conduct thorough research on the company before stepping into the interview room or logging into a virtual meeting.
  • Expect questions about the company’s core business and be well-prepared to showcase your knowledge and interest in the organization.
  • The more information about the company you have, the better impression you’ll give to the recruiter, take it from us ;)

Technical Setup:

  • Ensure a professional setup in case of virtual interviews.
  • Test your camera, make sure the background is acceptable, and avoid any noisy distractions. A tidy and organized background reflects positively on your professionalism.

Project Reflection:

  • Reflect on projects you've been involved in or led, and consider the challenges you've faced in your professional journey. Being able to discuss these experiences will demonstrate your problem-solving skills and adaptability.
  • Recruiters will often “push you” to the limit here, trying to understand your skills and capabilities. Facing the interview with some examples in mind about challenges that you’ve faced in previous jobs would definitely make you feel more confident at this stage.

Salary Expectations:

  • Be prepared to discuss salary expectations confidently and professionally.
  • Make some research to understand the current market standards for the position you're applying for.
  • Come with a clear idea in mind of what your desired salary is and whether you’re open to negotiate or not. You are beyond valuable, so don’t get nervous!

Mock Interview:

  • Consider conducting a mock/test interview with a friend or mentor to simulate the actual interview experience. This can help you identify areas for improvement and build confidence — give it a try!

Ok, you’re all set for the interview, the time has come!

Showing your authentic self and giving your best is the key

Professional Presentation:

  • If asked, present yourself professionally by maintaining good posture, especially in a virtual setting.
  • Use a computer rather than a cell phone for remote interviews to ensure a stable connection and a better overall impression.
  • If possible, avoid having interviews in random contexts, such as a car for example.

Energy and Positivity:

  • Maintain a high level of energy throughout the interview.
  • Express genuine smiles and convey a positive attitude.
  • Focus on the opportunities and growth possibilities rather than negative aspects of things, especially when asked about why you're looking for a new challenge.
  • Of course, never forget to be yourself!


  • Feel free to ask questions about the company culture, team dynamics, and the interviewer's own experience. Showing sincere interest in the conversation will set you apart.

Effective Communication:

  • Answer questions precisely and align your responses with the interviewer's expectations.
  • Provide detailed explanations without veering off-topic. Recruiters definitely appreciate well-structured and informative answers.

Focused Attention:

  • Keep your focus on the interview. If you are having a virtual conversation, close any unrelated tabs or applications on your computer and maintain eye contact with the person you're speaking to. This shows attentiveness and respect.

Examples and Analytical Skills:

  • Illustrate your points with relevant examples from your experiences. This not only enhances understanding but also showcases your practical application of skills.
  • Emphasize your analytical background and highlight your problem-solving abilities to prove your value.
  • Demonstrate understanding of what the person is asking about and respond adequately.

Gratitude and Feedback:

  • End the interview by expressing gratitude to the recruiter for their time.
  • Inquire about the next steps in the process and, if comfortable and interested, ask for feedback to understand areas of improvement.


Mastering the art of job interviews opens the door to career success. By following these tips, you'll be well-prepared to confidently navigate the intricacies of any interview, leaving a positive and long-lasting impression on your potential employer.

But the journey doesn't end here. Now that you know how to absolutely rock it during your interviews, take your newfound expertise to the next level and learn how to write a killer CV and a killer application to capture the attention of recruiters. After all, what's a better combo than acing interviews and presenting an irresistible professional profile?

Now that you are an expert at job hunting, we invite you to explore opportunities on our careers site to find your ideal position within Avature! We’d be happy to meet you 🚀

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